Advisers Investment Management, Inc.

Financial Planning • Investment Counsel • Portfolio Management

The Complete Solution

Co-Fiduciary Chief Investment Officer

Outsourcing an endowment, foundation, or charitable organization’s investment and portfolio management responsibilities to a Co-Fiduciary Chief Investment Officer gives the board and staff more time and resources to devote to the core mission.


Our advice and services are driven by a blend of knowledge, evidence-based research, and extensive long-term experience:

  • Co-Fiduciary – We share the fiduciary responsibilities with your board
  • Low-Cost Structure – Our low-cost structure allows you to keep more of the return generated by the portfolio
  • Strategic Investment Plan & Portfolio – Defined by your mission, goals, time frame, financial resources, and tolerance for volatility/risk
  • Portfolio Construction & On-going Management – Evidence-based research is the foundation for the disciplined implementation of sound fundamental investment principles
  • Reporting – We provide comprehensive and understandable quarterly performance reporting with online account access

As your Co-Fiduciary Chief Investment Officer we function as an extension of your board, focusing on achieving your investment goals without conflicting loyalties.



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